Both of these pictures are from a 4 day rotary trip in ManabĂ which is the province I live in. Going to all the different places wasn't a big deal because I've already been to all of them but it was still fun to see all the exchange students because this trip was with every rotary student in Ecuador over 120. the first photo is of most of kids from the U.S. during the independance of portoviejo perade. The second photo is of the town we stayed in for almost the whole time called Crucita we spent a day and a half just laying on the beach and almost everyone got burn I did a little but not too bad. We also went to Montacristi where Panama hats are made. Panama hats are really Ecuarorian hats but when the U.S. was helping build the Panama Canal the Ecuadorians went to Panama to sell their hats and when the builders went home they brought the "Panama hats" with them and the name just stuck.